Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our "AWE"tism Praise Report!

Above, September 2007 When Animals Were Her Only Friends!

Below, September 2009 Holy Spirit Intervention! Meet Cayden Her First Friend!

Our Autism Journey!

A Look Back 12 Months Ago!

I read a blog just this morning written by a wonderful lady and her precious daughter Athena! Her daughter was severely injured by the mercury in her infant vaccinations. My grand baby traveled this road as well! Almost step for step but she was not in this way because of vaccines she was just left unattended in the womb for a very extended period after my daughter's water broke! 52 hours to be exact!

When we arrived here in California from Louisiana 2 years ago Grace was 26 months old, she barely spoke 10 words, did not make any eye contact, stayed hidden under chairs and desks most of the time and could not climb stairs or
run. She was pulling her hair out by gobs, biting herself until she removed skin and never responded to anything we spoke. We also went through all the tests and saw all the doctors. To no avail!

Then we were referred to a treatment facility that was the forerunner in 'Autism' diagnostics we were told. After a 2 hour battery of tests, away from Mommie and Grandie, they diagnosed her as 'mild to moderately autistic' and proceeded to
tell us basically 'not to invade her space' this way we would hold down the number of self injury episodes she would have during the course of a day. They then referred us to another pediatrician that would medicate her for the
different conditions she had and then because she was sooooo close to 3 they would not be able to do anything more with or for her.

I told them to stick their suggestions in their ear and I sought the Holy Spirit's help with Grace. With the guidance of a great new physician we started an intensive ‘hands on treatment’ routine with Grace that consisted of drawing
her out of her self with things she adored, like Athena, Grace adored praise and worship music and also adored animals.

We bought her some head phones, recorded all of her greatest and most favorite tunes and then while she was sitting staring we popped those head phones on and watched her come to life! She’d be staring out the window or just sitting quietly and day after day we’d notice she’d tap her foot, smile, move in rhythm to the beat of the music or just close her eyes. We were consistent with the daily routines and we watched a most wonderful flower bud begin to unfold!

We instituted word games, color games, writing skills etc. We had a different activity for each skill that she needed help on and in such a short time she just began to blossom. Day after day she just zoomed in her life skills and the home worker that visited her once a week could not imagine what happened in such a short time.....Like you, I exclaimed, "Nothing but the blood of Jesus and direction from the Holy Spirit".

We also decided that she needed a companion. So the Lord blessed us with a sweet spirited, mild mannered beautiful jack Russell / rat terrier mix breed puppy (she) yes she named Rockie! He was sent through the companion animal program and he gained his badge and quickly became our best tool for drawing her outside and into the ‘great outdoors’. He follows her everywhere and even though today she has 90% come out of her shell he still remains faithfully by her side each time she is awake, asleep or every time she ventures outside for one of their daily games of hide and seek or chase!

We were just reevaluated by a neurologist on February 23rd exactly 1 year from the time Grace was diagnosed with 'autism'....he was blown away by her test scores from before and the test scores now! He's a 'Christian' doctor and he
knew that hands on intensive treatment the way my daughter and I had learned from the help of the Lord was the exact course of treatment Grace needed!

Even though she has been diagnosed with a seizure disorder, it seems that the medication for the seizures has almost alleviated her anxiety attacks and nearly alleviated her seizures! I sit and rejoice with you because I know where we were just a short time ago! This is when 'God's~Gentle~Care’ Teaching Program and 'The Winds of GRACE Learning Place' was established! Grace is the first pupil and from her experience many were able to be taught right over the phone and through the internet what means and what measures were working for us!

Today we see Grace in the Light of the Glory of the Lord! She can do almost what other 4 year olds can with the exception of cognitive recollection and some socialization tweaks! Which means since she does experience the seizure disorder she still has a difficult time with memorizing. However, she runs, jumps, skips, talks and reacts just like all children her age with a few exceptions. She is still experiencing some speech issues, however, her vocabulary is infinite and even though her speech is slower than most because it takes her brain a little bit longer to produce what she is thinking she scored far beyond her 48 month tests!

I have learned so much from this tiny child and I thank the Lord for her AWEtism! Because I still stand in awe of His

My heart goes out to each mother, grand mother, and families represented here! However, we know that Jesus is the name above all labels! Hallelujah! Praising God with you all!

In His Love,
Children with disabilities Advocate/Counselor/Pastor and Grandie {CeCe}

Let’s Make Autism A Thing Of The Past

Educate / Advocate / Alleviate

Please Enjoy!

'Find Your Wings'

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